Tagged with Drupal

Change Drupal7 Comments - Submitted by Guest (not verified)

By default, if an anonymous user comments on some content in your drupal site, your comments box will show something like Submitted by Guest (not verified). The user may have left a username, so we would like to use that instead.

Clear All Cache in Drupal

Quick code snippet, just drop this into clearcache.php and then load it in your browser.

Popular Searches Block in Drupal

This php code can be used in a drupal block to display the most popular searches on your site.

How to display a View in a Block in Drupal

If you want to use a view to get the power of pagers but you need it to render in a block then follow this guide.

Display Blocks On Specified Node Types in Drupal

This code snippet will allow you to only display a block on the node types you select. Simply paste into the PHP options.

How to make a simple form module in Drupal

This example module will provide a form where you can enter your name and upon submission will display your name as a message on the following page. It is very basic but will give you a start to making your first module.

Only display TinyMCE on certain node types in Drupal

This example will show you how to choose which node types use the TinyMCE module.

Move the Node Body into a CCK Field Group in Drupal

This code snippet will put the node body into a CCK Field Group for selected node types.