Search Forms in CakePHP

Posted by Mr PHP on

In this CakePHP tutorial I would like to show you how I handle search forms, while preserving pagination.

The basic principal is to read the posted variables, and redirect the user to a page with the appropriate filters in the URL.

Add the Search Form

Lets add a search form on the index page to search through the records.


<?php echo $form->create('Post',array('action'=>'search'));?>
 		<legend><?php echo __('Post Search', true);?></legend>
		echo $form->input('Search.keywords');
		echo $form->input('');
		echo $form->input('',array('after'=>__('wildcard is *',true)));
		echo $form->input('Search.body',array('after'=>__('wildcard is *',true)));
		echo $form->input('',array(
		echo $form->input('Search.created', array('after'=>'eg: >= 2 weeks ago'));
		echo $form->input('Search.category_id');
		echo $form->input('Search.tag');
		echo $form->input('Search.tag_id');
		echo $form->submit('Search');
<?php echo $form->end();?>

Controller Method

The search action will handle reading the posted variables, and redirecting back to the index url.

The index action will handle setting up the pagination options.


class PostsController extends AppController {
	var $name = 'Posts';

	function search() {
		// the page we will redirect to
		$url['action'] = 'index';
		// build a URL will all the search elements in it
		// the resulting URL will be 
		foreach ($this->data as $k=>$v){ 
			foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv){ 
				if ($vv) {

		// redirect the user to the url
		$this->redirect($url, null, true);
	function index() {
		// the elements from the url we set above are read  
		// automagically by cake into $this->passedArgs[]
		// eg:
		// $passedArgs['Search.keywords'] = mykeyword
		// $passedArgs['Search.tag_id'] = 3

		// required if you are using Containable
		// requires Post to have the Containable behaviour
		//$contain = array();  

		// we want to set a title containing all of the 
		// search criteria used (not required)		
		$title = array();
		// filter by id
		if(isset($this->passedArgs[''])) {
			// set the conditions
			$this->paginate['conditions'][][''] = $this->passedArgs[''];

			// set the Search data, so the form remembers the option
			$this->data['Search']['id'] = $this->passedArgs[''];

			// set the Page Title (not required)
			$title[] = __('ID',true).': '.$this->passedArgs[''];

		// filter by keywords
		if(isset($this->passedArgs['Search.keywords'])) {
			$keywords = $this->passedArgs['Search.keywords'];
			$this->paginate['conditions'][] = array(
				'OR' => array(
					' LIKE' => "%$keywords%",
					'Post.body LIKE' => "%$keywords%",
			$this->data['Search']['keywords'] = $keywords;
			$title[] = __('Keywords',true).': '.$keywords;

		// filter by name
		if(isset($this->passedArgs[''])) {
			$this->paginate['conditions'][][' LIKE'] = str_replace('*','%',$this->passedArgs['']);
			$this->data['Search']['name'] = $this->passedArgs[''];
			$title[] = __('Name',true).': '.$this->passedArgs[''];

		// filter by body
		if(isset($this->passedArgs['Search.body'])) {
			$this->paginate['conditions'][]['Post.body LIKE'] = str_replace('*','%',$this->passedArgs['Search.body']);
			$this->data['Search']['body'] = $this->passedArgs['Search.body'];
			$title[] = __('Body',true).': '.$this->passedArgs['Search.body'];

		// filter by active
		if(isset($this->passedArgs[''])) {
			$this->paginate['conditions'][][''] = ($this->passedArgs[''])?1:0; 
			$this->data['Search']['active'] = $this->passedArgs[''];
			$title[] = ($this->passedArgs['']) ? __('Active Posts',true) : __('Inactive Posts',true);
		// filter by created
		// allowing searches starting with <, >, <=, >=
		// allow human dates "2 weeks ago", "last thursday"
		if(isset($this->passedArgs['Search.created'])) {
			$field = '';
			$date = explode(' ',$this->passedArgs['Search.created']);
			if (isset($date[1]) && in_array($date[0],array('<','>','<=','>='))) { 
				$field = ' '.array_shift($date);
			$date = implode(' ',$date);
			$date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date));  
			$this->paginate['conditions'][]['Post.created'.$field] = $date;
			$this->data['Search']['created'] = $this->passedArgs['Search.created'];
			$title[] = 'Created: '.$this->passedArgs['Search.created'];

		// filter by category_id, including all children
		if (isset($this->passedArgs['Search.category_id'])) {

			// get all children
			$category_ids = array($this->passedArgs['Search.category_id']);
			$children = $this->Post->Category->children($this->passedArgs['Search.category_id']);
			foreach ($children as $child) {
				$category_ids[] = $child['Category']['id'];

			// set the conditions - SELECT ... WHERE field IN(1,2,3)
			$this->paginate['conditions'][]['Post.category_id'] = $category_ids;

			// set the Search data, so the form remembers the option
			$this->data['Search']['category_id'] = $this->passedArgs['Search.category_id'];

			// set the Page Title to the Category Name
			$title[] = __('Category',true).': '.$this->Post->Category->field('name',array(''=>$this->passedArgs['Search.category_id']));
		// filter by tag (habtm) - name or id
		if (isset($this->passedArgs['Search.tag']) || isset($this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id'])) {

			// if we were given the tag name, get the id
			if (isset($this->passedArgs['Search.tag'])) {
				$this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id'] = $this->Post->Tag->field('id',array(''=>$this->passedArgs['Search.tag']));

			// bind the model as a hasOne so we can use the rows as conditions
				'hasOne' => array(
					'PostTag' => array(
						'className' => 'PostTag',
						'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
						'conditions' => array(
							'PostTag.tag_id' => $this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id'],
			//$contain[] = 'PostTag'; // required if you are using Containable 
			// set the conditions
			$this->paginate['conditions'][]['PostTag.tag_id'] = $this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id'];

			// set the Search data, so the form remembers the option
			$this->data['Search']['tag_id'] = $this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id'];

			// set the Page Title to the Tag Name
			$title[] = __('Tag',true).': '.$this->Post->Tag->field('name',array(''=>$this->passedArgs['Search.tag_id']));

		// get posts		
		//$this->Post->contain($contain); // required if you are using Containable
		//$this->paginate['reset']=false; // required if you are using Containable
		$posts = $this->paginate();
		// set the category path of each post (not required, just an example)
		// requires Category to have the Tree behaviour
		// you can use this to add anything you want to the $posts array
		// before it is sent to the view
		foreach($posts as $k=>$post) {
			$posts[$k]['CategoryPath'] = $this->Post->Category->getPath($post['Post']['category_id']);
			$posts[$k]['CategoryPath'] = $posts[$k]['CategoryPath']?$posts[$k]['CategoryPath']:array(); 

		// set title
		$title = implode(' | ',$title);
		$title = (isset($title)&&$title)?$title:__('All Posts',true);
		// set related data
		$tags = $this->Post->Tag->find('list');


Getting Pagination to Remember Search Options

A quick trick to get pagination to remember the search options.


<?php $paginator->options(array('url' => $this->passedArgs)); ?>

Hiding the Search Form

Here is some JavaScript that will allow you to hide the search form when it’s not needed.

This Javascript requires jQuery.


<?php echo $html->link(__('Search', true), 'javascript:void(0)', array('class'=>'search-toggle')); ?>
	// toggle the search form

The Final Product

Here is an example of how the form will look.


Tagged with : CakePHP
